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Digital Humanities
& Natural Language Processing

Multidisciplinary project combining newest practices in Digital Humanities with
computer Artificial Intelligence techniques.

More specifically, consists of a neural network for machine deep learning based on algorithms trained to recognize semantical and morpho-syntactical connection between texts written in ancient Greek dated between centuries V bc to VI ad.


The XXI century starts with an exponential growth in the ability to produce, gather, process and store pieces of information which is mainly driven by widespread computing and communication technology. However the advent of the "society of knowledge" -so named by Drucker more than 30 years earlier- has proven to include challenging paradoxes like the real access... to these technologies as academic resources for education and cultural purposes in EMEA communities, or the labor crisis produced by this infotech revolution without securing retraining skills for the workforce, just to name a few.

At the same time, this capacity for individuals to produce and use data on a global scale does not necessarily result in knowledge creation. Contemporary media delivers seemingly endless amounts of information and yet, the information alone does not create knowledge. For knowledge creation to take place, reflection is required to create awareness, meaning, and chiefly: understanding.

The disciplines of the humanities are no stranger to the influence of this global paradigm shift. Remote access to full libraries, medieval corpora and even ancient scrolls, all in digital format has benefited scholars and researchers enhancing the capacity to curate, investigate and compare sources with new and unprecedented tools for academic collaboration and cultural diffusion.

The definition of the "digital humanities" is being continually formulated by scholars and practitioners. Since the field is constantly growing and changing, specific definitions can quickly become outdated or unnecessarily limit future potential, thus, a distinctive feature of DH is its cultivation of a two-way relationship between the humanities and the digital: the field both employs technology in the pursuit of humanities research and subjects technology to humanistic questioning and interrogation, often simultaneously, in order to produce new knowledge.

A quest for an "artificial intelligence" can be traced to ancient Greek myths or even further, linked to the aspiration to create non-human or super-human intelligence. However, the field of AI research was founded at a workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth College during the summer of 1956.

"Artificial intelligence", either considered a contradictio in terminis -oxymoron-, asymptotical conundrum or next step in human evolution in the process of delivery, is subject of renewed controversy, not only in the academic community but in politics, global business and economy as well.

From time to time, when considerable advancements are made in the progress of the field, not to mention an AI program winning a match or contest against a human adversary that makes it to the front pages, both super-optimistic reflections on the future and fears of apocalyptical dimensions arise from different voices and walks of life, even fueled by fiction literature and media.

In this context, most opposing thoughts cohabit, ranging from the necessity to restrict AI research to military grade facilities that can contain the eventual menace, to ethical consideration whether it is licit or not to "plug the cord from the wall" to a pseudo-sentient so alleged self conscious artificial being -curiously often made by a few who don't doubt on doing the same to a real human.

Far from ones and others, there's a widespread global research community, survivors of many AI's winters and also new scholars who devote themselves to fields from neuroscience to artificial vision, robotics to trading AI agents, which make a considerable impact both in the academic world and global commerce.

From these university labs, large corporations R&D departments, or small garage shops, where constant advancements in AI are made, and through the exchange of this knowledge over open platforms and digital communities is where LUMERA bases its sources and also where expects to produce its own proper contribution in the specific area of natural language processing applied with a digital humanities approach to the philosophical research of ancient Greek sources.


LUMERA implies an interdisciplinary approach to Digital Humanities, comprising not only the outcome of the philosophical investigation per se and the associated natural language research tool but a critique of the artificial intelligence status quo as well.


Humanities Computing
Association for Computers and the Humanities
Philosophy of the Digital


Ai & Machine Learning
Neural Networks & Deep Learning
Recurrent & Transformers NN


Intertext analysis and language processing builds up from shorter attainable goals to a wider set of corpora, consequently initial stages focus in proven correspondences between authors and moves on to the exploration of new potential links within the neural network domain of expertise.


For a more suitable project management and technical issues handling, LUMERA has been divided into three phases: infrastructure and repository setup, an experimental trial of different natural language processing algorithms and the corpora processing itself using the already trained neural network.


Python Framework
POS Tagging 


Text Parsing & Stemming
NLP Techniques


Tensor Flow
Supervised Learning
Corpus Processing 


LUMERA was conceived and is permanently updated thanks to a close collaboration between scholars and a technical support team.



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